You all know I'm doing a major de-stashing, so I've joined forces with Sylvia from POSH, a Yarn Boutique and we are giving DEEP discounts on EVERYTHING!
I'm selling my currently dyed Red Rocks Fiber Works yarn at 50% off (no special orders). My Books at 50% off, and my personal stash at 40% or more off. You can't beat that! I'm also bringing my wheels for sale, some of my knitting bags and some weaving things including the loom listed below (discounted further). Folks, I've got it all! Buy me out!!!!!!!!
Here's the ad and info.:
Sylvia of the former POSH, a Yarn Boutique, &
Mary Kay Tilden of Red Rocks Fiber Works!
A Note From Sylvia:
It’s a Sale of fibery goodness & more….
Hey y’all, it’s a blast from the past!
Hope this finds all my fiber friends well and crafting. This past year has brought so many changes to my life, but the welcome change is a little more knitting! Projects have been getting done and others frogged. Stash fondled & organized. Another fun development has been teaching knitting classes at my local branch library. I also love that Stitch Therapy continues to meet once a month. Join our POSH Facebook Group to find out more.
I have finally gotten around to finally start organizing a craft room, and I’m slowly going though the POSH boxes. This is a work in progress, as there is a whole store to sort, but I have found more yummy things to destash. Since I can’t keep it all to myself I decided to share, LOL! So…here it is. The Stash-a-palooza Sale! I’ve invited a couple of friends to join in, so there will be LOTS of stuff, including bags and purses.
See y’all this Saturday!
Sat., Nov. 13th, 2010
10am - 5pm
400 S. Logan St.
Denver, CO 80209
(Mt. Calvary Church in West Wash Park)
Join us!
Sylvia of the former POSH, a Yarn Boutique, &
Mary Kay Tilden of Red Rocks Fiber Works!
Yarn, Books, Patterns, Sample Garments, Spinning & Weaving Equiptment, misc. accessories, and more!
Cash & Checks preferred
Questions? Or, comment here.
[email protected]
Let us know you’re coming!!!!!