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October 07, 2010



I love cattails! Those are great pictures

I really need to write in a gratitude journal. I'm glad yours is filling up :)


Good for you MK. I'm glass half full most of the time too. I really have to make an effort to be positive.

I have thought of keeping a gratitude journal. You've inspired me to get started :)


I'm reminded of a conversation I had with my older daughter recently. I think I am a realistic optimist. I don't sugar-coat things, but I generally think things will probably turn out okay, or that while it's good to understand all possible outcomes, a 10% chance of rain means that, most likely, your parade will do just fine. My daughter was a born pessimist. A worrier. When I was explaining the "glass half-full" metaphor, she said, with no trace of irony, "Why would you EVER call that glass half-full?"

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