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September 09, 2010


Laurie (Moo!)

First! I'm first! Nice to "see" you. Any way you can be artistic is a plus, right? Welcome back!


Welcome back :) I'm sorry your arm is still bothering you, but I'm glad you're able to work on crafty stuff. I love those pictures!


Thanks Laurie and Terrie (I got it right this time!) I'm on it with the crafty stuff and knit a row or two here and there. Glad to hear from you!


Nice to see you back!! Sorry to hear your arm is not behaving for you. Love the new blog header!!!!


hey ya mary kay!
i was in yer neck of the woods a few weeks ago. Nat and i stayed in Winter Park for Mini's in the Mountains and did some stuff in Denver too. Got to see colorful yarns and low and be hold bought a skein of yer yarn! YAY!


Wow, you have been gone for so long. I am glad that nothing too dreadful has been going on. It will be nice to hear from you again.

Beth Wood

What a shock! But such a good one.... I kept checking for a long time and then stopped. Tonite, For some reason I clicked and there you were! Glad all is well - please keep sharing your art.

Beth from Knitting in La Jolla

sheena Mowery

Hi Mary-Kay,
Glad to see you back. I'm still spinning and knitting, and have added weaving to my adventures in fiber arts. Sorry to hear your arm is bothering you. What ever happened with your foot. If it's not one thing it's another. I have 11 sheep now and lots of wool. It keeps me happy. Love ya, Sheena

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